HC Deb 29 October 1976 vol 918 cc907-9
Mr. Guy Barnett

I beg to move Amendment No. 29, in page 11, leave out line 19.

The Second Deputy Chairman

With this it will be convenient to take Government Amendments Nos. 30 to 54.

Mr. Barnett

All these amendments relate to Appendix III of the convention. We are required by the convention to control the species that are added by other countries to this appendix, and these amendments cover the additions that have been made since the Bill was first introduced. We therefore require some deletions from the excepted lists in Schedule 1 and some additions to the restricted list of plants in Schedule 2.

The deletion of Colomba guinea in Amendment No. 38 is consequent on an addition to Appendix HI of the convention, but the insertion of Columba livia in its place is merely to except a species which is commonly in trade. I remind the House that, because of the way Schedule 1 works, all the amendments which delete animals from the schedule have the effect of bringing them under control.

No. 38, in page 13, leave out lines 32 to 35 and insert:

'Columba livia Domestic pigeon
Streptopelia orientalis Rufous turtle dove
Streptopelia Bitorquata Javanese turtle dove
Streptopelia decaocto Collared dove
Streptopelia capicola Ring-necked dove (otherwise known as Cape dove)
Streptopelia tranquebarica Red turtle dove
Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove
Turtur chalcospilos Green-spotted wood dove'

No. 39, in page 14, leave out line 9.

No. 41, in page 14, leave out line 20 and insert:

'Agapornis cana Madagascan lovebird
Agapornis taranta Black-winged lovebird
Agapornis roseicollis Rosy-faced lovebird
Agapornis fischeri Fischer's lovebird
Agapornis personata Masked lovebird
Agapornis lilianae Nyasa lovebird
Agapornis nigrigenis Black-cheeked lovebird'.

No. 42, in page 14, leave out line 23.

No. 43, in page 15, line 17, leave out

Mr. Sainsbury

Again, I assume that the Minister can assure us that those concerned have been consulted about these changes.

Mr. Barnett

Yes, I can give that assurance.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 30, in page 12, leave out line 25.

No. 31, in page 12, line 41, at end insert—


Any domestic form of Anser anser. Domestic goose.

Any domestic form of Anser cygnoides. Chinese goose.

Any domestic form of Cairina moschata. Muscovy duck.

Any domestic form of Anas platyrhynchos. Domestic duck'.

No. 32, in page 13, line 9, after 'jungle-fowl', insert 'and domestic fowl'.

No. 33, in page 13, line 11, after 'pheasant', insert '(otherwise known as ring-necked pheasant)'.

No. 34, in page 13, line 15, leave out 'Amherst' and insert 'Lady Amherst's'.

No. 35, in page 13, line 21, at end insert— 'Any domestic form of Meleagris gallopavo Turkey'.

No. 36, in page 13, leave out line 24.

No. 37, in page 13, leave out line 29.

No. 40, in page 14, leave out lines 17 and 18.

'White-cheeked' and insert 'White-browed'.

No. 44, in page 16, leave out line 8.

No. 45, in page 16, leave out line 10.

No. 46, in page 17, leave out lines 5 to 7 and insert:

'Sporopipes squamifrons Scaly-crowned weaver'.

No. 47, in page 17, leave out lines 12 to 15 and insert:

'Quelea cardinalis Cardinal quelea
Euplectes anomalus Bob-tailed wydah
Euplectes diadematus Fire-fronted bishop
Euplectes gierowii Black bishop
Euplectes nigroventris Black-winged bishop
Euplectes aureus Golden-backed bishop
Euplectes capensis Yellow-rumped bishop
Euplectes axillaris Fan-tailed wydah
Euplectes hartlaubi Marsh bishop
Euplectes albonotatus White-winged bishop
Euplectes progne Long-tailed bishop
Euplectes jacksoni Jackson's bisop'.

No. 48, in page 17, leave out line 30.

No. 49, in page 17, line 44, after 'Bibron's', insert 'clawless'.

No. 50, in page 20, line 7, column 2, insert 'Mangrove frog'.

No. 51, in page 20, line 30, column 2, insert 'Green toad'.

No. 52, in page 20, leave out line 35.

No. 53, in page 20, line 36, column 2, insert 'Giant tree frog'.

No. 54, in page 23, line 19, leave out 'explanation' and insert 'guidance'.—[Mr. Guy Burnett.]

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.

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