HC Deb 29 November 1976 vol 921 cc458-9
7. Mr. Hannam

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what response there has been to the announcement of Government assistance to the less-well-off in meeting their fuel bills during the winter months.

The Under-Secretary of State for Energy (Dr. John A. Cunningham)

My right hon. Friend's announcement on 2nd August of the Government's intention to pay 25 per cent. of one electricity bill for the coming winter quarter for certain low-income consumers generated considerable interest and pressure for further information. He therefore made a further statement on 17th November. The response of those eligible for help under the scheme cannot be judged until it starts in February.

Mr. Hannam

I do not dispute the need to give some assistance to lower-income families. However, would it not be better for this £25 million to be used in energy-saving measures in the future, such as insulation and the provision of the right sorts of heating systems, rather than as a measure that will subsidise energy consumption?

Dr. Cunningham

The money that has been allocated under this heading has not detracted in any way from expenditure on the conservation programme, in any of its aspects. As for the money allocated for this purpose, it is the Government's intention to help those consumers who are likely to face most difficulties with their electricity bills in the heaviest quarter of the winter. This will not really encourage people to use more electricity—quite the contrary. It is based on people who are in receipt of supplementary benefit and family income supplement, and they are hardly likely to be profligate in their use of electricity.

Mr. Madden

What steps have been taken to publicise this scheme, including television publicity? How much is being spent on publicising the scheme?

Dr. Cunningham

My hon. Friend will realise that the final details of the scheme have not yet been published. They will be made public shortly after Christmas. The scheme will take effect from 1st February to 30th April. We shall ensure that all those who may be eligible will be in possession of details in good time to take up the scheme.