HC Deb 17 November 1976 vol 919 c1335

3.31 p.m.

Mr. Speaker

Order. Before we enter upon matters of privilege I have an important statement to make to the House.

Later on today we shall be considering the Lords amendments to the Rent (Agriculture) Bill. If previous experience is any guide there will be some close votes. At the same time, as the Leader of the House explained yesterday, there will be a mass lobby in progress.

I must make it clear to the House that the responsibility lies on Members themselves, if they are not actually in the Chamber, to make themselves available in the Division Lobbies if and when a Division takes place. That is their responsibility and not mine or anyone else's. I am sure that all concerned will do all they can to provide easy access to the Chamber, but in the last resort it is a Member's duty to be here.

I do not in any way discount the vital importance of a Member's duty to his constituents, but in my view his duty to this House comes first. That is why his constituents sent him here.

I wish to inform the House, therefore, that in no circumstances whatsover will I entertain a request today that a Division be held again on the grounds that a Member or Members could not reach the Chamber in time. If Members cannot be here within the allotted time—and I intend to allow the full time, as extended by my predecessor, before I order the doors to be locked—their votes will not be counted.