HC Deb 21 May 1976 vol 911 cc1919-22
Mr. John Cope (Gloucestershire, South)

Mr. Speaker, I rise to present a petition from John Howard Burham Roney. In view of the fact that I shall seek to move a motion arising from this petition, I request that it be read by the Clerk.

The Clerk of the House read the petition which was as follows: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled: The humble Petition of John Howard Burham Roney of 42–45 New Broad Street London EC2M 1LY Solicitor on behalf of Laker Airways Limited of Normandy House St Helier Jersey, Channel Islands, the Plaintiff in the action in the Queen's Bench Division High Court of Justice, No. 1976 L. No 883 against the Defendant Department of Trade, which said action is listed for hearing in London on Monday the 24th day of May 1976 Showeth First That your Petitioner's claim in the action is for

  1. 1. A Declaration that the guidance and directives given to the Civil Aviation Authority by the Secretary of State for Trade in the terms of or pursuant to the White Paper, "Future Civil Aviation Policy" (1976) Cmnd. 6400 are ultra vires the powers granted to the Secretary of State for Trade and further are contrary to the provisions of section 3(1) of the Civil Aviation Act 1971; and
  2. 2. A Declaration that the Class A Licence No. A14011 granted to the Plaintiffs by the Civil Aviation Authority in respect of the air 1920 service commonly known as "Skytrain" commencing on 1st January 1973 and expiring on 31st December, 1982, (subsequently redesignated No. 1 B/24214) is valid and not revoked and remains in full force and effect; and
  3. 3. A Declaration that there are no grounds for withdrawing or amending the Designation of the Plaintiffs for operations on United Kingdom Route 2 of the Annex to the Agreement relating to air services between the United Kingdom and the United States of America signed at Bermuda on 11th February 1946, as amended by Exchange of Notes on 27th May, 1966, the said Designation having been made by Note dated 26th February, 1973, on behalf of the Defendants
Second: That reference is desired to be made at the hearing of the action to the following Reports of Debates of your Honourable House: 1975 Volume 896 No. 168 Columns 1502 to 1512 inclusive 29th July The Secretary of State for Trade and President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Peter Shore)
  • M mr. Warren
  • Mr. Donald Stewart
  • Mr. Dan Jones
  • Mr. Tebbit
  • Mr.Dalyell
  • Sir G. Sinclair
  • Mrs. Thatcher
  • Mr. Cryer
  • Mr. Monro
Volume 896 No. 170 Part II Columns 2307 to 2343 inclusive 31st July
  • Mr. Kenneth Warren
The under-Secretary of State for Trade (Mr. Clinton Davies)
  • Mr. Norman Tebbit
  • Mr. Michael Neubert
1976 Volume 906 No. 57 Columns 635 to 696 inclusive 26th February The Secretary of State for Trade and President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Peter Shore)
  • Mr. Speaker
  • Mr. Tim Renton
  • Mr. Churchill
  • Mr. Stephen Hastings
  • Mr. Terence Higgins
  • Mr. Neil Marten
  • Mr. Kenneth Warren
The Under-Secretary of State for Trade (Mr. Clinton Davis)
  • Mr. Norman Tebbit
  • Mr. Donald Stewart
  • Mr. John Stonehouse
  • Mr. R. A. Crindle
  • Mr. Les Huckfield
  • Mr. Terry Walker
  • Dr. Reginald Bennett
Wherefore Your Petitioner Prays that your Honourable House will be graciously pleased to give leave to the Proper Officers of the House to attend the trial of the said action and to produce the said Reports and formally to prove the same before the court according to their competence And Your Petitioner, as in duty bound will ever pray et cetera

Ordered, That leave be given to the proper Officers of this House to attend the trial of the said action to produce the said Report of Debates, and that leave be given for references to be made to the said Debates.—(Mr. Cope.)

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