HC Deb 10 May 1976 vol 911 cc102-3
Mr. Guy Barnett

I beg to move Amendment No. 13, in page 7, line 28, leave out from 'which' to 'is' in line 29.

Mr. Speaker

With this amendment we shall discuss Government Amendmentment No. 14.

Mr. Barnett

The purpose of the amendment is to meet the objection raised in Committee by my hon. Friend the Member for Leicester, South (Mr. Marshall) to the clause as originally drafted. The amendment he moved at that time was designed to overcome what he regarded as the over-restrictive nature of the clause, due to the fact that it referred to land which is or forms part of an open space. recreation ground, road or garden and is held under Section 93 of the Housing Act 1957". Local authorities are anxious that the clause should be sufficiently broadly drawn to ensure that the byelaw-making power provided is available in respect of all the odd corners of open land on their housing estates. In some quarters there has been doubt as to whether these pieces of land could all be said to come within the original definition.

My hon. Friend withdrew his amendment, on receiving an assurance that redrafting of the clause would be considered in order to meet his point. We are putting forward this amendment in the hope that it will be acceptable.

Amendment agreed to

Amendment made: No. 14, in page 7, line 32, at end insert: 'covered by buildings or included in the curtilage of a building or '.—[Mr. Guy Barnett.]'

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