HC Deb 05 May 1976 vol 910 cc1298-9
23. Mr. Joseph Dean

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what additional costs are being borne in the public building and construction sector due to the necessity of having to advertise all contracts above £450,000 in the EEC in accordance with the terms of membership of that organisation.

Mr. Armstrong

The additional cost of advertising contracts above £415,000 is not known, but it is likely to be extremely small in relation to the expenses necessarily incurred in designing projects and placing contracts for their construction.

Mr. Dean

Is my hon. Friend aware that I do not accept that answer? I have reason to believe that substantial costs, of between £40 million and £50 million, are being incurred in public sector house building contracts by having to comply with that nonsensical condition of membership of the EEC. If my hon. Friend wishes it, I can furnish him with the details on which I base that calculation—

Mr. Speaker

Order. That is enough.

Mr. Armstrong

The British Government have tried to raise the threshold. If my hon. Friend has any such evidence, I shall be very glad to have it and consider it very carefully.

Mr. Marten

Is the Minister aware that since January 1973 2,500 British public works contracts have been put out to tender in the Common Market and that not one has been taken up or accepted? If we cannot raise the thres-hold, is not the answer really to ignore this useless, fussy and time-wasting procedure?

Mr. Armstrong

I am aware of the information that the hon. Gentleman has given. We are making representations.