HC Deb 04 May 1976 vol 910 cc1055-6
16. Mr. Lane

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he next expects to meet the Chairman of the University Grants Committee.

Mr. Mulley

I keep in touch with him regularly.

Mr. Lane

Does the Secretary of State accept that morale among people working in the universities is very low because of the widespread belief that the Government are prejudiced against universities'? Will he take every opportunity to put right this unfortunate situation?

Mr. Mulley

I made a small contribution in my answers to earlier Questions.

Mr. Dalyell

Has my right hon. Friend noted the unanimous report on devolution, produced by Professor Dreyer, the Chairman of the Scottish Vice-Chancellors, and his seven colleagues, the principals of Scottish universities, which stated that the hiving-off of Scottish universities would be detrimental to the United Kingdom research pattern?

Mr. Mulley

I have noted that report. I have also had discussions with the Chairman of the University Grants Committee on that matter.

Mr. St. John-Stevas

When the Secretary of State next gets in touch with the Chairman of the University Grants Committee, will he confirm that the Government have finally abandoned the foolish and Utopian manpower planning policies of the never-to-be-remembered Lord Crowther-Hunt, which were so effectively demolished by the Minister of State on Friday?

Mr. Mulley

The Chairman of the University Grants Committee, who is a good Yorkshireman from Sheffield, would not agree with that fancy language.

Mrs. Bain

Does the right hon. Gentleman expect to receive an invitation from the Chairman of the Scottish University Grants Committee, in view of the submission that his Department has today received from Tayside and the University of Dundee?

Mr. Mulley

I find it difficult to hear exactly what the hon. Lady says, but if she is asking me whether I will receive representations from Dundee or the Scottish vice-chancellors, I shall be delighted to do so.