HC Deb 31 March 1976 vol 908 cc1486-7

Amendments made: No. 7, in page 3, line 21, leave out from beginning to 'the' in line 26 and insert: ' (2) After receiving a notice under subsection (1) above the site operator shall display a notice on the site from the beginning of April to the end of October in every year so long as the proposal is current or the site or part of it is treated as a single hereditament under section 1(1) above (but starting with the April following the receipt of the notice under subsection (1), if it is received in October), and shall state in the notice so displayed—

No. 8, in line 30, leave out 'proposal is made' and insert 'notice is for the time being displayed. (2A) If at any time it appears to the valuation officer that the facts stated in a notice under subsection (1) above or under this subsection are no longer accurate, he shall give to the site operator a further written notice bringing the facts so stated up to date; and the notice or last notice received by the site operator under this subsection shall after his receipt of it (or, if it is received in October, then from the beginning of the following April) take the place of the notice under subsection (1) for purposes of subsection (2)(b) above.'

No. 9, in line 35, leave out from 'the' to second 'the' in line 40 and insert 'hereditament by the proposal or in the valuation list. (4) If so requested by a person occupying any such pitch as aforesaid,'.

No. 10, in line 42, at end insert 'as the subsection would apply at the time of the request if a notice were required to be displayed at all times after receipt of a notice under subsection (1) and to take account of any notice received under subsection (2A) '.—[Mr. Oakes.]

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