HC Deb 25 March 1976 vol 908 cc612-3
7. Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will announce the name of the next Chairman of the Forestry Commission.

Mr. Strang

No, Sir. As indicated in the reply my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Fife, Central (Mr. Hamilton) on 4th March, the chairmanship of the Forestry Commission is among the appointments on which the Prime Minister advises the Queen and he would be responsible for an announcement.

Mr. Bennett

Does my hon. Friend appreciate how much enjoyment the Forestry Commission has given in recent years by the expansion of its recreational facilities? Is he aware of the large num-best of jobs that it has created? In consultations leading to the appointment of the new Chairman, will he urge that whoever is appointed should continue this expansion?

Mr. Strang

I agree that recreation is an increasingly important part of the Commission's functions. I am satisfied that the new Chairman, when he is appointed, will recognise that.

Mr. Jasper More

Will the hon. Gentleman stress to the Prime Minister that the new Chairman must be someone who is conversant with the contribution made to forestry by the private sector? Great though the achievements of the Commission have been, does he agree that forestry cannot survive without the active cooperation of private planters and that they cannot do their job unless the present taxation system is radically reformed?

Mr. Strang

I agree that the new Chairman should recognise the contribution of both the State and private sectors of forestry.

Mr. Hardy

Will my hon. Friend ensure that the next Chairman of this most attractive and successful area of the public sector enjoys the success and respect enjoyed by the present Chairman?

Mr. Strang

I endorse that tribute to the present Chairman. The Forestry Commission is a splendid example of public enterprise and I hope that the new Chairman will continue with its policies.

Mr. Body

Did not Lord Taylor announce his retirement in November? Why has there been this delay?

Mr. Strang

Lord Taylor intends to continue in his post until June this year, but we shall be making an announcement before then.

Miss Maynard

On this occasion will my hon. Friend appoint someone who believes in public ownership? At the same time, will he put some forestry workers' representatives on the Commission and not so many landowners and people who believe in having a commercial timber trade?

Mr. Strang

I wholly share my hon. Friend's sentiments. It seems to me that we want a Chairman who believes in public enterprise and who wants to make a success of it. It is important that the Commission should reflect the aspirations of the workers in the industry.