HC Deb 22 March 1976 vol 908 cc27-9
41. Mr. Peter Bottomley

asked the Minister for Overseas Development how many countries in Africa receive aid through his Department.

Mr. Prentice

Thirty-six countries receive aid directly. In addition, 12 regional organisations in Africa receive aid under the Ministry's programmes, and of course through these a number of countries receive aid from Britain indirectly.

I have arranged for a list of recipients to be published in the Official Report.

Mr. Bottomley

Is it the Government's intention to ignore development in such places as the Transkei? Will the right hon. Gentleman indicate what changes the Government would like to see made before they give aid to the Bantustans?

Mr. Prentice

The Government would like to see drastic and radical changes in the whole of South Africa. Aid to the Transkei is a very improbable development in the immediate future.

Mr. James Johnson

Is my right hon. Friend aware that those of us lucky enough to go to Africa occasionally and talk to Ministers, such as Mr. Kabaki, in Nairobi, in Ghana and Tanzania know that they feel that the Government are doing a first-class job, particularly in funnelling money to the poorest people in the poorest nations, which means that it is going to the bush where it is badly needed?

Mr. Prentice

I am grateful for my hon. Friend's comment. He underlines the most important feature of the Government's aid strategy in Africa and elsewhere, which is to devote a larger and growing proportion of help to the poorest countries and to the poorest groups in those countries.

Mr. Jessel

How many of the 36 countries spend part of the aid that they receive on arms?

Mr. Prentice

In no case is the aid that we give available for spending on arms. I am speaking of development aid, which has nothing whatever to do with military activities.

Following is the information:

African Countries for which Provision has been made in my Ministry's Estimates for 1975–76:




Burundi, Republic of

Cameroon, United Republic of


Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville)

Egypt, Arab Republic of


Gambia, The


Ivory Coast


Lesotho, Kingdom of

Liberia, Republic of

Malagasy, Republic of

Malawi, Republic of

Mali, Republic of

Mauritania, Islamic Republic of


Morocco, Kingdom of

Niger, Republic of

Nigeria, Federal Republic of

Rwanda Republic

Senegal, Republic of

Sierra Leone

Somali Democratic Republic of

Sudan, Democratic Republic of

Swaziland, Kingdom of

Tanzania, United Republic of

Togo, Republic of


Uganda, Republic of

Upper Volta

Zaire, Republic of

Zambia, Republic of

African Regional Organisations:

Lake Chad Basin Commission

East African Community

UBLS (University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland)

WARD (West African Rice Development Association)

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

African Development Bank

African Development Fund

Pan African Institute for Development

Desert Locust Control Organisation for East Africa

International Red Locust Control Organisation

Scientific and Technical Research Commission (Organisation of African Unity)

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

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