HC Deb 10 March 1976 vol 907 c421
42. Mr. Hooley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions have taken place within the EEC on a concerted policy within the United Nations towards Namibia.

Mr. Ennals

The problem of Namibia has been discussed at different levels within the EEC's political co-operation framework. On 26th January the presidency on behalf of the Nine delivered a joint démarche about Namibia to the South African Government. This has been published as a Security Council document.

Mr. Hooley

Is it not time that European countries took much firmer action, bearing in mind that the South African occupation of the territory has been condemned by every international organisation competent to do so? We are still not taking any effective action against South Africa to compel it to withdraw its presence from the territory.

Mr. Ennals

It is a matter on which the nine Foreign Ministers have made joint representations. The issue was also taken up in the statement published by the nine Foreign Ministers at Luxembourg on 23rd February. A copy of that declaration has been placed in the Library. This is a matter on which the EEC is pressing strongly.

Mr. Hastings

Instead of discussing Namibia, would it not be rather better if Her Majesty's Government encouraged EEC countries to discuss what means they can arrive at to counter the Russian menace in Central Africa?

Mr. Ennals

I was answering a question on Namibia because that was the Question tabled. The declaration issued by the nine Foreign Ministers specifically condemned every form of external intervention in the affairs of Africa. That included the South Africans as well as the Cubans and Russians.