HC Deb 03 March 1976 vol 906 cc1319-20
Mr. Speaker

I must now rule on the question of privilege raised yesterday by the hon. Member for Essex, South-East (Sir B. Braine). I have given his complaint the most careful consideration in the light of previous cases of this kind. I have come to the conclusion that, on balance, this is a matter on which the House should have the opportunity to express an opinion. I am therefore prepared to give precedence over the Orders of the Day to a motion concerning the complaint.

The Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons (Mr. Short)

In view of your ruling, Mr. Speaker, I beg to move, That the matter of the complaint made by the hon. Member for Essex, South-East (Sir B. Braine) be referred to the Committee of Privileges. I think it would be in the interests of the House as a whole for us to decide that no further debate should take place at this stage.

Question put:

The House proceeded to a Division

Mr. Thomas Cox and Mr. David Stoddart were appointed Tellers for the Ayes but, no Member being willing to act as Teller for the Noes, Mr. Speaker declared that the Ayes had it.

Question accordingly agreed to.