HC Deb 27 July 1976 vol 916 cc306-7

Amendments made:

No. 2, in page 76, line 41, leave out 'converting'.

No. 3, in page 77, line 39, after 'tons', insert: 'but does not include a hovercraft or a mobile offshore installation'.

No. 4, in page 78, line 2, at end add: '(2) In sub-paragraph (1) above "mobile offshore installation" has the same meaning as in Part III of the Industry Act 1972, namely, any installation which is intended for underwater exploitation of mineral resources or exploration with a view to such exploitation and can move by water from place to place without major dismantling or modification, whether or not it has its own motive power.'.—[Mr. Varley.]

Bill reported, with amendments; as amended (in the Standing Committee and on recommittal), considered.

'.—(1) Subsections (3) to (6) below shall have effect where a person engaged in shipbuilding, other than—
5 (a) British Shipbuilders, or
(b) one of its wholly owned subsidiaries, or
(c) a body corporate the whole of whose equity share capital is held by or on behalf of the Crown,
makes to the Secretary of State a written complaint that a practice employed by British Shipbuilders or one of its wholly owned subsidiaries in relation to the sale of ships is unfair to the complainant for a reason specified in the complaint.
10 (2) Subsections (3) to (6) below shall also have effect where a person engaged in shiprepairing, other than—
15 (a) British Shipbuilders, or
(b) one if its wholly owned subsidiaries, or
(c) a body corporate the whole of whose equity share capital is held by or on behalf 15 of the Crown,
makes to the Secretary of State a written complaint that a practice employed by British Shipbuilders or one of its wholly owned subsidiaries in relation to the provision of shiprepairing services is unfair to the complainant for a reason specified in the complaint.
20 In this subsection "shiprepairing" includes refitting, converting or maintaining ships, 20 and "the provision or shiprepairing services" has a corresponding meaning.
25 (3) The Secretary of State shall forthwith after receiving the complaint send a copy of its to British Shipbuilders and, after such period for consideration of, and comment upon, the complaint by British Shipbuilders as the Secretary of State thinks reasonable has elapsed, shall send to the complainant a statement of any comments made by British Shipbuilders on the complaint and if he is of opinion—
(a) that the complaint raises a question of substance and
(b) that the complainant has a reasonable case to make in support of it, shall afford the complainant and British Shipbuilders an opportunity of making representations in relation to the matter to a person appointed by the Secretary of State.
30 (4) The Secretary of State shall consider the report of the person appointed under subsection (3) above and, if it appears to him that the practice complained of is unfair to the complainant, shall give British Shipbuilders such directions as appear to him to be requisite to secure the removal of the ground on which it is unfair.
35 (5) The Secretary of State shall furnish the complainant with a statement of any such directions.
40 (6) When a complainant avails himself of the right to make representations conferred by subsection (3) above, the Secretary of State shall furnish the complainant and British Shipbuilders each with a copy of the report of the person appointed under that subsection, and a statement of the conclusions reached by the Secretary of State on considering the report.'.—[Mr. Les Huckfieldl.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

The Under-Secretary of State for Industry (Mr. Les Huckfield)

I beg to move, That the clause be read a Second time.

Mr. Deputy Speaker (Mr. Oscar Murton)

With this clause we are to take the following amendments:

(a), in line 8, after 'to', insert 'the procurement of materials, plant and services for the production of, and'.

(b), leave out lines 2 and 3 and insert: 'one or more of the activities specified in section 2(1) or (2) above, other than— (a) a Corporation, or'.

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