HC Deb 21 July 1976 vol 915 cc1780-2
9. Miss Harvie Anderson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will legislate to control the use of calculators in public examinations in Scottish schools.

Mr. Gregor MacKenzie

No, Sir. As far as the Scottish Certificate of Education examinations are concerned, it is for the Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board to decide the extent to which calculators may be used.

Miss Harvie Anderson

In view of the great and increasing concern of many parents about the permissive use of calculators, which, in the words of the Scottish Examination Board, undoubtedly gives some significance to the results will the hon. Gentleman undertake to continue to keep this matter under close review, with the object of getting a more equitable result from examinations that are taken by children at a very early age?

Mr. MacKenzie

I take the right hon. Lady's point. The board has the matter under constant review. I am concerned that there should be any question of advantage being given to some children over others. I shall bear in mind the right hon. Lady's point.

Mr. Canavan

If we gave some of these calculators to the Tories and the SNP, is it possible that just for once they might get their sums right?

Mr. MacKenzie

Having heard the speech of the SNP representative last week on the Estimates, I think it might be worth while for the Labour Party to buy a few calculators for our opponents.

Mr. Grimond

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that many teachers think that the use of calculators in examinations has been bad for education and unfair? Will he ask the board to look at the matter again?

Mr. MacKenzie

I have indicated that the board has the matter under constant review. I have quite strong views on this matter as I happen to be the parent of a youngster who is now going through examinations. I think that calculators can take a lot of the drudgery out of the work, but we want to ensure that there is no disadvantage.

Mr. Crawford

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that two of the sums that the SNP has got right is that family income in Scotland is more than 9 per cent. lower than in England and that the cost of living is more than 9 per cent. higher? In view of those figures, will the hon. Gentleman give us a categorical assurance that the public expenditure cuts that are coming will not be applied in Scotland?

Mr. MacKenzie

I think that proves the point made by my hon. Friend the Member for West Stirlingshire (Mr. Canavan) that we need a calculator for the hon. Gentleman.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

If the board is to scrap the use of calculators, will it give one of the surplus calculators to the hon. Member for West Stirlingshire (Mr. Canavan)? The hon. Gentleman will need one soon to work out whether he will save his deposit at the next election.

Mr. MacKenzie

If I were the hon. Gentleman, I should not be making any comments about anyone losing his seat.