HC Deb 15 July 1976 vol 915 c1116

Amendments made: No. 167, in page 150, line 9, leave out 'two' and insert 'three'.

No. 168, in page 150, line 43, leave out 'two' and insert 'three'.

No. 169, in page 153, line 12, leave out 'two' and insert 'three'.—[Mr. Denzil Davies.]

Mr. Denzil Davies

I beg to move Amendment No. 170, in page 154, line 19, at end insert—

'Compulsory acquisition more than three years after death

37A.—(1) If after the end of the period of three years immediately following the date of the death an interest in land is acquired from the appropriate person in pursuance of a notice to treat served before the death or within that period by an authority possessing powers of compulsory acquisition, then, subject to the following sub-paragraphs, this Part of this Schedule shall apply in relation to the interest as it applies in relation to interests sold within that period.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) above shall not have effect in relation to an interest if its sale value would exceed its value on death.

(3) In determining the period referred to in paragraph 37(1) above, no account shall be taken of the sale of an interest in relation to which sub-paragraph (1) above has effect; and if the claim relates only to such interests, paragraph 37 shall not apply in relation to the claim.'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker (Sir Myer Galpern)

With this amendment we may also take Government Amendment No. 171.

Mr. Davies

The amendments extend the relief available for falls in value of land where land is sold to an authority possessing compulsory purchase powers and a notice to treat was issued either before death or within three years after death. I said in Committee that we would see whether an amendment could be put down to deal with cases arising from compulsory purchase cases.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment made: No. 171, in page 154, line 36, leave out from 'is' to 'powers' in line 37 and insert 'acquired from the appropriate person in pursuance of a notice to treat served by an authority possessing'.—[Mr. Denzil Davies.]

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