HC Deb 12 July 1976 vol 915 cc21-2
19. Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will arrange an early meeting with the Chairman of British Airways in order to discuss the consultative document on regional airport policy.

Mr. Clinton Davis

My Department has informed British Airways of the publication of the consultation document on regional airports and invited them to participate in the consultations which will now take place.

Mr. Steen

Will the Minister get hold of the Chairman of British Airways on the telephone to scotch the rumour that the company is to replace the 111 jets which it is flying from London to Speke Airport with Viscounts as part of its discriminatory policy against Liverpool and in favour of Manchester?

Mr. Davis

I do not accept that British Airways have embarked upon a discriminatory policy against Liverpool in favour of Manchester. These matters to which the hon. Member is clearly alluding come within the day-to-day commercial judgment of British Airways, and they are not a matter for me.

Sir W. Elliott

Will the Minister take fully into account that the consultative document suggests with regard to Newcastle Airport a potential and possible increase of 1 million passengers a year? Will he be as sympathetic as possible to the application from Newcastle that there should be Government support for an EEC grant for the development of our buildings?

Mr. Davis

The hon. Gentleman is no doubt aware that the other day I received a deputation on behalf of those representing Newcastle Airport to discuss this matter. There are very difficult issues affecting an application for EEC assistance for enlargement of the existing terminal facilities. I made that quite clear to the deputation. Although I have not given an absolute and categoric "No" on this matter, I doubt whether I shall be able to afford to this application the sort of approval that the hon. Gentleman seeks.

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