HC Deb 12 July 1976 vol 915 cc9-10
6. Mr. Rost

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will make a statement on the implications of the consultative document on airport strategy for East Midlands Airport.

The Under-Secretary of State for Trade (Mr. Clinton Davis)

The document examines, as a basis for consultation, a variety of roles for all the major regional airports, including East Midlands Airport, within the framework of a national strategy. I cannot anticipate the outcome of the consultations with local authorities and other organisations which will now take place.

Mr. Rost

Will the hon. Gentleman take special note of the problem facing East Midlands Airport, namely, that of competition from Gatwick, Stansted and Luton, resulting from the subsidised prices which they are able to charge compared with East Midlands Airport?

Mr. Davis

I have had representations about that problem, but in fact there is a dearth of evidence to support the charge.

Mr. Wrigglesworth

Is my hon. Friend aware that, although the consultative document is welcome, there is great concern in areas like my own, with Teesside Airport, at the speed with which the matter is proceeding? Will he assure us that every possible effort will be made to pursue the Government's policy and to draw conclusions as quickly as possible?

Mr. Davis

The Government recognised when they embarked on this process that, in involving as many people as possible in the future moulding of a national airport strategy, one of the penalties that would have to be paid was delay. Nevertheless, when so many interests are involved it is essential that everyone should have a fair opportunity to represent his views to the Government. We have set a period of six months for the London regional airport document for consideration and consultation, and a similar period, which will follow that, for the second document, which has been published recently.

Mr. Adley

Does the Minister accept the simple principle that areas of dense population which need airport facilities should provide those facilities within or adjacent to the areas in which the service is required?

Mr. Davis

That is one of the considerations that will be applied in the consultations that are now to take place.

Mr. Lawrence

Further to the question put to the hon. Gentleman by my hon. Friend the Member for Derbyshire, South-East (Mr. Rost), is he aware that the British Airports Authority has provided his Department with evidence? Will he undertake to look at it again?

Mr. Davis

I have been in consultation with the Joint Airports Committee of Local Authorities, which is one of the organisations involved in this consideration, and I have invited it to provide clear evidence that East Midlands Airport and others are being disadvantaged. I have in mind Luton as well. As yet, no such sufficient evidence has been forthcoming.