HC Deb 06 July 1976 vol 914 cc1148-9
5. Mrs. Renée Short

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether he proposes to take action to improve teacher-pupil ratios in primary schools.

Miss Margaret Jackson

Current public expenditure plans provide for the maintenance of present national standards up to 1978–79. Thereafter, it will depend on the economic situation when staffing standards can be reviewed.

Mrs. Short

Is my hon. Friend aware that a few months ago it was estimated that 6,000 teachers might be unemployed in September, but that it is now likely to be more than three times that number? It is for local authorities to determine the number of teachers they employ, but this is a matter not only of will but of finance, so will my hon. Friend and the Secretary of State bear in mind that we on the Government side look to them to resist the baleful influences of the Treasury when it is seeking further cuts in public expenditure, because these are likely to lead to more unemployment?

Miss Jackson

We are only too well aware that the problem of teacher unemployment is mainly a problem of finance, but we are equally aware that when we allot money for education in the rate support grant, we have no power, as the law stands, to determine even whether it is spent on education, let alone whether it is spent on the employment of teachers.

Dr. Hampson

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker—

Mr. Speaker

Order. I shall be obliged if the hon. Member will raise his point of order at the end of Question Time.