HC Deb 05 July 1976 vol 914 cc953-4
12. Mr. Gordon Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection what action she proposes to take, in the light of the report published this month by Regional Surveys, in order to reduce the costs of living in Scotland to more equitable levels.

Mr. Maclennan

The Government's counter-inflation policies for the year ahead are clearly set out in the White Paper published last week. The benefit will be felt in Scotland as in all parts of the country.

Mr. Wilson

Does the Minister accept that the Scottish housewife will find it difficult to take much satisfaction out of that answer? Does he realise that in Scotland, as shown by the survey, the cost of living was 10 per cent. higher than the United Kingdom average and 14 per cent. higher than in the South-East of England but that Scotland does not have the benefit of the higher standard of living found in the South-East? Does he realise that these higher prices have been endemic in Scotland for years? The time has come for this Government to do something about it. No Government have done very much about it so far.

Mr. Maclennan

The hon. Gentleman does no service to the people of Scotland by seeking to distort the position by suggesting that regional prices are significant in the way he describes. He should know that there are vast differences in prices within Scotland. There are local differences between, for example, his constituency and the constituency of his hon. Friend the Member for Western Isles (Mr. Stewart). These are the real problems we face in Scotland and the problems that the Government are tackling.

Mr. Heffer

Will my hon. Friend ensure that the fullest information is given for every region in the country? Is it not time that there was a counter-offensive to the nonsense we constantly hear from the Scottish nationalists which suggests that the Scottish people are the only ones who suffer from problems in this country? Is my hon. Friend aware that in areas such as Merseyside the conditions of life and employment are as bad as anywhere else in the country? But we do not raise the nonsensical cry of "UDI for Merseyside".

Mr. Maclennan

I have a great deal of sympathy with what my hon. Friend has said. I underline what I have already said. My Department commissioned a report by the Price Commission on the difference in prices in outlying areas. The report showed that the variations within Scotland were substantial. I draw attention to what the Scotsman stated on 8th June about food prices. It said that price variations within regions could be greater than between regions.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

As someone who wants to keep Britain united, may I ask the hon. Gentleman to tell me how I can justify to my constituents the fact that the British Gas Corporation charges more for gas in Scotland than in the rest of the country?

Mr. Maclennan

The whole question of the pricing of gas is for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Energy.