HC Deb 23 December 1976 vol 923 cc898-9
16. Mr. Canavan

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many deportation orders he has served in the last six months.

Mr. Merlyn Rees

Statistics are recorded by reference not to deportation orders served but to orders enforced. During the six months ended 30th November 1976, 149 orders were enforced against persons who had become liable to deportation by virtue of Section 3(5) or (6) of the Immigration Act 1971.

Mr. Canavan

Does my right hon. Friend accept that in dealing with deportation orders justice should be not only done but seen to be done, and that that principle is one of the best safeguards we can have for national security? In the case of Philip Agee and Mark Hosenball, will he consider instituting some form of public hearing, if the accused want such a hearing, instead of their being tried by a secret kangaroo court?

Mr. Rees

On the first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question, I hope that he will not think that the deportations that I have mentioned are to do with national security. They cover a wide variety of matters, and, in view of what you have said, Mr. Speaker, I shall not go into them. There have been no security cases.

The orders in the cases which are now the subject of public discussion have not yet been carried out. It is not a question of a kangaroo court. Given all the difficulties relating to the 1971 Act, it would be wrong for the information which was given to me to become public knowledge. It is within that limit that the three very eminent men, who are not under my control in any way, will look at the information that I have had put to me.

Sir J. Langford-Holt

Would it be true to say that the Home Secretary sees fit to deport those who have abused our hospitality? In those circumstances, having regard to the later Question on the Order Paper in my name, does he in general deport people guilty of crimes of violence?

Mr. Rees

This is a long and complicated matter about which I should be happy to have a word with the hon. Gentleman. In the main, people are deported on the recommendation of a criminal court, and undoubtedly violence is one part of that.

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