§ 12. Rev. Ian Paisleyasked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will make a statement on the working of the Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975.
§ Mr. MasonThe Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975 and its counterpart in the Republic of Ireland, the Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976, have been in operation since 1st June 1976. The Acts relate only to persons arrested in connection with offences committed after that date. No prosecutions have yet been brought.
§ Rev. Ian PaisleyCan the Secretary of State inform the House how many members of terrorist organisations who committed crimes after that date and who should be subject to this law are at present in sanctuary in the Republic? What steps is he taking to see that the Act is now implemented?
§ Mr. MasonThe Act is in operation. I am sorry to say that there has not been sufficient evidence against anybody who has been apprehended since 1st June in the Republic whereby they could have been dealt with under the Act. Prior to 1st June, and therefore not coming under the recent legislation, 59 persons who were in the Republic were wanted for interview by the RUC.