HC Deb 21 October 1975 vol 898 cc221-2
5. Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a further statement on the future of the Polaris Base on the West of Scotland.

Mr. Mason

We made clear in our election manifesto that starting from the basis of multilateral disarmament negotiations we would seek the removal of American Polaris bases from Britain. We may be able to initiate such multilateral disarmament negotiations once the present talks on mutual and balanced force reductions in Central Europe are concluded.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

Members of the public who are concerned with security sometimes gain the impression, I am sure quite wrongly, that speeches by Labour Members or decisions of Labour conferences represent Government policy. Will the Secretary of State make clear beyond a shadow of doubt that it is the Government's intention to maintain the effectiveness of our Polaris forces and that there is no question of the Polaris bases being removed unless that is part of a unilateral agreement for disarmament?

Mr. Mason

The British Polaris force is a significant contribution to NATO and plays its part in the triad of conventional, tactical-nuclear, and strategic defences of NATO. I have stated on many occasions that we intend to maintain the effectiveness of the Polaris deterrent.

Mr. MacCormick

Although I appreciate the Minister's answer to that question, may I point out that a great deal of uncertainty is felt by the people in those areas, especially concerning the American base? Will he say definitely whether the American base will continue after the next two years or so?

Mr. Mason

We have stated often in the past that we consider the American base desirable in our common defence, but we put before the electorate on two occasions last year the proposal that we should within the course of multilateral disarmament negotiations seek the withdrawal of the American base from Britain. After the Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction conference and the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, Part II, have been completed, we may be able to open those talks.