HC Deb 14 October 1975 vol 897 cc1133-4
Mr. Canavan

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. This morning, I asked for accommodation in which to interview some of my constituents, students of Stirling University wishing to protest to me about savage cuts in education expenditure. I was informed that no accommodation was available, for security reasons. I am willing to vouch personally for the integrity of my student constituents. They have more brains than to be mixed up with extremist organisations like, for example, the more violent fringes of Scottish nationalism. They are young men and women who wanted to come to speak to me—

Mr. Speaker

Order. The hon. Gentleman is getting some way from the point of order. The point of order deals with accommodation.

Mr. Skinner

He is doing a great job.

Mr. Canavan

They are responsible young men and women who wanted to speak to me in a responsible manner. Recently we have had the example of a character who went off to Australia only to come back and reclaim his accommodation. Can we not get accommodation for our own constituents?

Mr. Speaker

Order. This is an abuse of a point of order. I understand that the point of order deals with the alleged refusal of the hon. Gentleman's request for a room in which to interview his constituents. That is a matter which I have no doubt the Chairman of the Services Committee will consider. I shall help in any way that I can. It is a matter which should first have been brought to me privately, but I will try to help.