HC Deb 25 November 1975 vol 901 cc649-50
10. Mr. Douglas-Mann

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what provision is made for housing members of Her Majesty's Forces on leaving the Services; and whether he considers the provision to be satisfactory.

Mr. William Rodgers

In addition to providing advice on housing matters, the Services operate schemes which are designed to help men and women nearing the end of their service to purchase a house for their retirement. As for renting, we have recently once again drawn the attention of local authorities to the special difficulties of ex-Service men. These arrangements are not ideal, but I think are the best attainable in present circumstances.

Mr. Douglas-Mann

Far from not being ideal, the arrangements are quite inadequate. Does the Minister accept that there is considerable hardship among a large number of Service men leaving the forces, particularly those with short service? Will he initiate discussions with the local authority associations and his right hon. Friends at the Department of the Environment, with a view to creating a special list system or some other proposals along the lines indicated in the Shelter publication on tied housing?

Mr. Rodgers

I agree that there is hardship, and I very much regret it. It was for that precise reason that a circular was sent to local authorities earlier this year. I am certainly willing to discuss the matter further with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment, but I must make it clear that under the present statutes there are limits to what the Government can tell local authorities to do, in terms of the disposal of local authority housing assets.

Mr. Boscawen

The Minister has not given a satisfactory reply. Is he aware that one of the things troubling Service men is the protection given to tenants of furnished lettings, which means that Service men coming out of the forces cannot get back their own homes when they need them most?

Mr. Rodgers:

I think that the hon. Member is misinformed about the provisions of the Act. I have investigated this question when cases have been drawn to my attention. If the hon. Member has a particular case in mind I shall be happy to look into it.

Mr. Woodall

Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have had the utmost cooperation from the Labour-controlled councils in Yorkshire over the rehousing of ex-Service men?

Mr. Rodgers

I am grateful for what my hon. Friend the Member for Hems-worth (Mr. Woodall) said. Many local authorities are co-operative, but a minority are not. I hope that every hon. Member who has influence locally will take note of what has been said today and try to make local authorities more flexible in dealing with a real social issue.

Mr. Farr

The arrangements are inadequate in circumstances in which, as occasionally happens, a marriage breaks up when a family is serving overseas and is living in married quarters. Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in those circumstances it is often very difficult for the wife and children to be found accommodation anywhere, and the military authorities seem most unwilling to help in any way? Will the right hon. Gentleman please look into that point?

Mr. Rodgers

I shall be happy to do so.