HC Deb 25 November 1975 vol 901 cc647-8
8. Mr. Wellbeloved

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is satisfied with the suitability of current exercises in the BAOR.

Mr. Mason

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Wellbeloved

Did these exercises include a test of the capability of reinforcement, from the United Kingdom, of the British Army of the Rhine? Did they also take into account the possibility of reinforcing troops in Northern Ireland from BAOR?

Mr. Mason

We have just completed a very successful exercise of calling up 10,000 TAVR personnel in a joint exercise with the Regular Army. It has been extremely successful. Although the position of Northern Ireland does not arise out of this Question, I can say that we have reduced the troops there to 13 units, rotation is satisfactory, and we can deploy more if necessary.

Mr. Blaker

Have any exercises been conducted to test the removal of the brigade level of command both in respect of the efficiency of our own forces and the effect on co-operation with our allies?

Mr. Mason

On restructuring trials, not yet, but some are planned.

Mr. Alan Lee Williams

Following the Helsinki accord there was an agreement that each side would notify the other of major manœuvres. Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that this part of the accord was honoured, and will he say whether the Russians have notified him of any manœuvres that they intend to take in the next few months?

Mr. Mason

There is a later Question on this specific matter. I hope to deal with it more fully then.

Mr. Onslow

Why was no use made of the opportunity of this autumn's exercises to test the command structure that will be applied when the brigade group is abolished? Is it not a matter of grave importance that this should be fully evaluated in time for the Defence White Paper and that the suitability of current wireless equipment to the new structure should be looked at now, and not in a year or two?

Mr. Mason

The opportunity was not taken, because it has been necessary to overcome some of the problems which are worrying BAOR commanders on some of the major trials and exercises that we should be having. Those are now being overcome, and restructuring trials will take place in due course.