HC Deb 11 November 1975 vol 899 cc1473-4

Lords Amendment: No. 156, in page 25, leave out lines 36 to 41 and insert a body mentioned in subsection (1A) below or a body specified in an order made under this paragraph by the Secretary of State; (c) the person acquiring the interest is a Minister, a body mentioned in subsection (1A) below or a body specified in an order made under this paragraph by the Secretary of State. (1A) The bodies referred to in subsection (1) above are local and new town authorities, the Land Authority for Wales, the Peak Park Joint and Lake District Special Planning Boards, and joint boards established under section 2 of this Act.

Mr. Oakes

I beg to move, That this House does agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this amendment we may consider Lords Amendments Nos. 157, 165, 166 and 167.

Mr. Oakes

The main purpose and effect of the amendments is to enable the Secretary of State, with the consent of the Treasury, to prescribe further bodies to which modifications of the compensation rules affected by regulations under subsection (2) are to apply.

Amendment No. 157 adopts the affirmative resolution procedure, not only in respect of that power but in respect of subsection (2), for which the negative resolution procedure had been provided.

It is always desirable that the authorities or bodies to which the particular provisions will apply should be specified in the legislation, but in the case of this clause that is not possible. First, the intention is that the modified compensation rules should apply to all transactions between public bodies where the vendor body is not liable to development land tax, but because the development land tax bill will not be enacted until after this Bill the clause cannot contain a complete list. Therefore, subsection (1)(a) specifies only the major authorities among those which draft clause 10 of the White Paper on development land tax proposals said should not be liable to tax.

The clause, as amended, provides that the Secretary of State may, by order, with the consent of the Treasury, specify bodies in addition to those at present mentioned whose land transactions as vendors or purchasers will be governed by the modified land compensation rules. A further amendment alters from the negative to the affirmative procedure any addition to the lists.

Question put and agreed to.

Subsequent Lords amendment agreed to.

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