HC Deb 19 March 1975 vol 888 cc1800-1
Mr. Robert Sheldon

I beg to move Amendment No. 175, in page 27, line 12, at end insert—

context? If that is the case, it makes sense to substitute two chargeable periods for one whole year, but it will be very complicated if every time a year is mentioned in a tax Act two chargeable periods have to be substituted. I hope that the amendment is limited strictly to the collection of PRT.

Amendment agreed to.

Further amendments made: No. 236, in page 28, line 36, leave out

' crude oil disposed of by him '

and insert:

oil disposed of by him crude (other than oil delivered as mentioned in (bb) of this subparagraph) '.

No. 200, in page 29, line 3, after each ', insert relevant '.

No. 201, in line 4, leave out ' to refining or other processing '.

No. 237, in line 12, at end insert— '(bb) in the case of crude oil delivered to the Secretary of State in the period under the terms of a licence granted under the Petroleum (Production) Act 1934, the return shall state the total quantity of the oil; '.

No. 202, in line 14, leave out ' so ' and insert ' relevantly '.—[Mr. Dell.]

Mr. Robert Sheldon

I beg to move Amendment No. 176, in page 34, line 50, leave out ' by reason of ' and insert: ' and that the deficiency resulted from'. This is a drafting amendment. It applies to part of the provisions which enable the board to make an additional assessment.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: No. 159, in page 35, line 49, leave out ' natural'.

No. 164, in page 36, line 42, after ' per cent.' insert ' per annum'.

No. 165, in line 49, at end add: ' 16. Where any amount of tax charged by an assessment to tax becomes repayable under any provision of this Part of this Act that amount shall carry interest at the rate of 9 per cent. per annum from four months after the end of the chargeable period for which the assessment was made until repayment'.—[Mr. Dell.]

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