HC Deb 30 June 1975 vol 894 cc1011-3
51. Mr. Blaker

asked the Minister of Overseas Development if he will make a statement about the latest meeting between development Ministers of the EEC.

61. Mr. Jessel

asked the Minister of Overseas Development if he will make a statement about the latest meeting between development Ministers of the EEC.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Overseas Development (Mr. John Grant)

My right hon. Friend is pressing for the next meeting to take place on the earliest possible date.

Mr. Blaker

Will the Parliamentary Secretary tell us when the development Ministers last met? If I am right in thinking that they have not met for three months, is that not rather regrettable, bearing in mind that they have before them some important proposals for improving the balance of Community aid in favour of the Commonwealth countries of South Asia—a matter which was agreed in principle as long ago as December 1972? Will the hon. Gentleman see that an early meeting takes place?

Mr. Grant

I entirely agree with the hon. Gentleman. The last meeting of the development Ministers was in January. We are pressing for a meeting this month. With the changeover in the presidency of the Community from Ireland to Italy on 1st July, I do not think that it will be possible to have a meeting before the Heads of Government meeting on 15th July. However, we are pressing for it as early as possible.

Mr. Dalyell

Is the question of Community aid to Mozambique on the agenda?

Mr. Grant

Because Mozambique is not yet a member of the Lomé Convention—although I think it likely that it will become a member—it is not, as I understand it, on the agenda.

Mr. Jessel

Will the Minister ask the European Economic Community to extend the provisions of the Lomé Convention to cover developing countries of the Commonwealth in Asia? Will he also tell us why Asian countries of the Commonwealth are discriminated against in favour of African, Caribbean and Pacific developing countries, so that very often some of the poorest countries in the world have their traditional exports to Europe jeopardised? What action will the Government take to put right that injustice?

Mr. Grant

It is Government policy, and has been for some time, to press for aid to the non-associates to be conceded by the Community. In Rome last week I was somewhat critical of the action taken by the Council of Ministers in not supporting the Commission's proposals on increasing food aid, most of which would undoubtedly have gone to the countries that the hon. Gentleman has in mind.

Mr. Spearing

My hon. Friend may have noticed that in last Thursday's Written Answers, in col. 188. the Prime Minister appointed the Foreign Secretary as notional Minister for Overseas Development. Will he now assure the House that when the development Ministers of the EEC meet it will be the Minister for Overseas Development, namely, my right hon. Friend the Member for Newham, North-East (Mr. Prentice) or the Parliamentary Secretary himself who will attend, and not my right hon. Friend the Member for Cardiff, South-East (Mr. Callaghan)?

Mr. Grant

I can certainly give that assurance. Perhaps I may add that my right hon. Friend apologises to the House for not being here today, but he is attending an important meeting of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD in Paris. That is the reason for his absence. [Interruption.] It is a terribly important meeting. I hope that the House will understand that there is no question of my right hon. Friend's being a notional Minister for anything.

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