HC Deb 28 July 1975 vol 896 cc1266-7
2. Mr. Lane

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what further steps he is taking to help small exporters.

Mr. Deakins

The British Overseas Trade Board, of which my right hon. Friend is President, offers a wide range of export services which are available to both large and small firms. These services are widely and successfully used by small firms.

Mr. Lane

Will the Government take one other step, bearing in mind the important part which small exporters, of whom there are many in my constituency, have to play in restoring our balance of payments? My exporting constituents are general satisfied with the services of Customs and Excise and of our posts overseas, but they complain about the slowness of communication with Government offices in this country. Will the Under-Secretary therefore try to speed up this communication?

Mr. Deakins

I shall look into any complaint, whether from large or small firms, about delays in communication in this country.

Mr. McCrindle

Does the so-called "piggy-back" system still exist whereby small exporters are encouraged to break into export markets with the assistance of larger exporters? If it does not, can it be revived?

Mr. Deakins

Several schemes were in operation until recently. One was called the Group Export Representational Unit, which was designed to help small firms to market jointly overseas. This scheme had to be discountinued through lack of support, and there is no evidence that industry's views on the usefulness of such schemes have changed.

Mr. Tim Renton

What is the Minister doing to promote the export information service which collates market information from Her Majesty's consulates and embassies abroad? It is of very great use to small exporters. Can the Minister do something to ensure that more companies use it?

Mr. Deakins

I am grateful for the hon. Member's comments. The Export Intelligence Service, with the computer, is a useful service. The Small Firms Division of the Department of Industry has recently commissioned a special booklet for small firms offering basic advice, particularly to those new to exporting, on the use of British Overseas Trade Board services.

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