HC Deb 28 July 1975 vol 896 cc1281-2
13. Mr. Goodhart

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what further action he is taking to promote the export of British books and periodicals.

Mr. Deakins

Since the hon. Gentleman's earlier Question on this subject, my Department has continued to col- laborate with the publishing industry in promoting its sales overseas.

Mr. Goodhart

Does the Minister recognise that in January British publishers for export will have to pay postal charges which are 50 to 98 per cent. higher than those paid by their American publishing rivals? Does he recognise that the British Book Development Council believes that these new charges will have a calamitous effect on British book exports, and will he have discussions with those most affected?

Mr. Deakins

As regards a meeting with the British Book Development Council, I have written assuring its representatives that I should be happy to meet them but that first they should make positive proposals. If they have any suggestions, I and the British Overseas Trade Board will be delighted to receive them. I understand that the industry is looking after itself in the light of the increased postal charges, not only those of which it has had a first instalment, but those represented by the second instalment which comes in in January next year—quite a large increase—and it is investigating quite positively and successfully further and cheaper ways of exporting books.

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