HC Deb 21 July 1975 vol 896 cc14-5
5. Mr. Gwilym Roberts

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection what study she has made of the packaging of goods; if she will lay down regulations on the needs and limitations of packaging; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Maclennan

I wrote to consumer organisations in March about over-packaging and I have asked the Waste Management Advisory Council to consider its views. The council, set up by the Government, is examining all aspects of packaging and is giving priority to an examination of any extravagant use of materials in retail packaging.

Mr. Roberts

Does my hon. Friend accept that it is not only a question of over-packaging—although we do have an absurd situation when, sometimes, the package is worth five times the commodity—but that there are also occasions when packaging which is vitally important is missing? Does he further accept that guidance from his Department on this subject would be welcomed not only by the general public but by the industry, in terms of its research and development programme?

Mr. Maclennan

My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the need for packaging as well as to the possibility of saving on wasteful packaging. It is to review all of these considerations that the Government have set up the Waste Management Advisory Council, whose packaging group is considering the points he has made.

Mr. Lane

What are the Government doing to encourage a greater re-use of containers?

Mr. Maclennan

That is one of the matters being considered by the group.

Mr. Greville Janner

Is the group also considering the problem of misleading packaging, in particular—

Mr. Cormack


Mr. Janner

—those vast packs containing minute articles, for example, little bottles of scent hidden in huge boxes, or cartons of dairy products with false bottoms, which appear to contain at least twice as much as is the case?

Mr. Maclennan

We are looking at the possibility of extending the use of standardised containers. The point which my hon. and learned Friend has made about bottles is before the group. I have received representations on this from a number of consumer organisations.

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