HC Deb 16 July 1975 vol 895 cc1515-6
Mr. Tebbit

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I would be glad of your guidance.

Yesterday, the right hon. Gentleman the Prime Minister informed the House that it was not possible to make a statement at that time on the Boyle Report. I will not refer to the speculation which was endemic in the lunchtime newspapers and in yesterday evening's papers, but I must draw attention to this morning's Press in which, with the sole exception of The Times and the Morning Star, every newspaper correctly forecast what the Lord President would say today in this House. There was an element of speculation among the Press about them, but mostly the newspapers did not give any figures on what would happen about hon. Members' allowances. But the Daily Mirror, The Guardian, the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and the Sun all correctly forecast that the Lord President would today announce an increase in salary of £1,250 a year for Members.

It is clear that somebody had briefed the Press. It is quite clear that not even the Opposition Front Bench had been enabled to see the Boyle Report or to know what the Government statement would be. Therefore, it is a fair assumption that it must have been somewhere within the Government, within a restricted circle, that this Press briefing was given.

I submit that this is a very clear case of contempt of this House and I submit that it is not the first of its kind, and because this is such a clear case, I believe that it would be right if you, Mr. Speaker, were to consider whether it should be referred to the Committee of Privileges and whether there should be an investigation on just how this information was leaked.

Mr. Edward Short

Further to that point of order. I agree with the hon. Member for Chingford (Mr. Tebbit). There is clear evidence of a leak from some Government source and certainly we shall look into this very urgently.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Chingford (Mr. Tebbit) raised this as a point of order. I was not quite clear whether he was raising it as a matter of privilege.

Mr. Tebbit

I shall be thankful for your guidance, Mr. Speaker, but I believe that it is a case of breach of privilege or contempt of this House. I should be grateful for your guidance on how this matter should be further progressed and for your ruling upon it.

Mr. Speaker

In that case I will consider the matter and give my opinion tomorrow.