HC Deb 14 January 1975 vol 884 c181
27. Mr. Dodsworth

asked the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects to complete his consultations with the shipbuilding industries regarding the defence review.

Mr. Judd

In good time for the publication of the White Paper which my right hon. Friend proposes to issue.

Mr. Dodsworth

While I thank the Minister for that information, may I ask him to ensure that at the time the review is concluded the closest possible attention will be paid to the change in employment prospects which may result? More particularly, will attention be paid to the change that may take place in the ability of the industry to deliver export orders as a result of a change to Government-controlled dockyards? Is not this a case of cut-price back-door nationalisation in an attempt to change the form of the industry?

Mr. Judd

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that all the points he has mentioned are well to the forefront of the Government's considerations.

Mr. Molloy

Can my hon. Friend enlighten the House on an aspect of defence policy which relates to private British industry, including shipbuilding? In so far as the Department is responsible for the defence of the nation, can my hon. Friend say to what extent it is responsible for checking on the activities of allies like the Americans who, it is alleged, have an organisation called the CIA which is conducting espionage activities in British industries for reasons we do not yet know?

Mr. Judd

As my hon. Friend is aware, that is a question for my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary.

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