HC Deb 26 February 1975 vol 887 cc467-9
1. Mr. John Evans

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what discussions he has had, and with which organisations, on the Strategic Plan for the North West.

The Under-Secretary of State for the Environment (Mr. Gordon Oakes)

I invited all local authorities in the North West Region, the regional economic planning council and a large number of other organisations to let my Department have written observations on the strategic plan. These are now being considered. The invitation included an offer of discussion with my officers, and three local authorities affected by the plan and two other organisations have availed themselves of the opportunity. With permission, I will circulate the names in the Official Report.

Mr. Evans

Will my hon. Friend accept that no meaningful discussions have taken place with any of the important authorities about the Strategic Plan for the North West? More important, will he ask the Secretary of State to ensure that at the very least the House debates the many serious problems facing the North West Region before assemblies are established for Scotland and Wales?

Mr. Oakes

On the first part of the supplementary question, I can assure my hon. Friend that every opportunity has been given to the authorities to submit their written representations. I cannot give him a categorical assurance, but I would not expect an early announcement on devolution in England. In the mean- time my right hon. Friend the Lord President has already said that he will see what he can do about a debate on the strategic plan. That is a matter for him.

Mr. Graham Page

Will the Minister accept congratulations from the Opposition side of the House to those who were concerned in preparing the plan—the team, the councillors and the organisations? They have given us a valuable document for discussion. Will the hon. Gentleman undertake to report to the House in some form the comments he receives from organisations so that we may have a reasonable basis for debating the plan in the House?

Mr. Oakes

I endorse everything that the right hon. Gentleman has said about those who have produced the plan. I will see what can be done to meet his suggestion, because we want the fullest possible discussion before my right hon. Friend announces his decision in the summer.

Mr. George Rodgers

Does my hon. Friend agree that, while the plan contains many interesting and sound proposals, its title is misleading in that the observations in the report are concentrated on a very narrow band of Lancashire and it does not apply to the North West generally?

Mr. Oakes

I know that my hon. Friend is very concerned about some aspects of the strategic plan. I hope that he and his authorities have submitted their observations, which will be considered.

Mr. Clegg

There is considerable concern in the area of the Central Lancashire New Town and in North-East and North Lancashire about the proposed axis of development between Manchester and Merseyside. Will this be looked at carefully before any final decisions are made?

Mr. Oakes

Yes. The plan submitted to us is a basis of discussion at the present time and all representations from the whole of the North West will certainly be considered by my right hon. Friend.

Following are the names: