HC Deb 26 February 1975 vol 887 c499

Ordered. That, at this day's Sitting, Mr. Speaker shall put the Question on the Second Reading of the Lotteries Bill not later than Seven o'clock; and if the proceedings on the Second Reading of the Lotteries Bill shall have been concluded before Seven o'clock Mr. Speaker shall put the Question on the Motion relating to Lotteries [Money] not later than Seven o'clock, but that if the Question on the Second Reading of the Lotteries Bill shall have been put at Seven o'clock Mr. Speaker shall put the Question forthwith on the Motion relating to Lotteries [Money]; and that Mr. Speaker shall put any Question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motion relating to the Civil List (Increase of Financial Provision) Order (S.I., 1975, No. 133) not later than Ten o'clock.—[Mr. Coleman.]