HC Deb 12 February 1975 vol 886 cc361-2
15. Mr. Monro

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what plans there are to develop tourism in south west Scotland.

Mr. William Ross

The Scottish Tourist Board, the Countryside Commission for Scotland and the Scottish Sports Council are undertaking regional studies designed to assist the new local authorities in planning for the development of tourism and recreation in their areas. A conference is to be arranged in the South-West to discuss these matters with the local authorities concerned.

Mr. Monro

Is the Secretary of State aware of the great success of the Burns heritage trail in south-west Scotland and the recent excellent publicity arising from the Burns Federation visit to Moscow? Will he, put pressure, on behalf of Scotland, on the Post Office to issue a Burns stamp, as opposed to an envelope, in the near future?

Mr. Ross

I think that the hon. Gentleman will appreciate that I shall exert what pressure I can in relation to anything affecting Burns, but I think that it will be difficult to arrange for the issue of a Burns stamp. The least we can do is to consider franking all the envelopes leaving places connected with the trail. I am glad that the hon. Gentleman drew attention to this matter. It has been a great success. It is an imaginative idea.

Mr. Corrie

Will the Secretary of State do something about the dreadful ferry services to the Islands, which are affecting the tourist industry, since the island people are very worried about the situation which builds up towards the summer?

Mr. Ross

I am aware of that problem. I believe that the hon. Member is scheduled to meet the Minister of State in the House of Commons in the near

Dr. M. S. Miller

Pleasant as it is for the Opposition to contemplate the development of the tourist industry, does my right hon. Friend realise that southwest Scotland wants industry, and that we should not concentrate too much on what the Opposition would like?

Mr. Ross

There are other areas in whose prosperity the tourist industry plays a considerable part. We must not neglect that. We should appreciate that one of the achievements of the last Labour Government was to create the Scottish Tourist Board. We did that because we felt it was necessary.

Mr. Russell Johnston

Is the Secretary of State aware that everyone involved in the development of the tourist industry throughout Scotland is worried about the proposals for two-tier petrol pricing now being discussed with the Department of Energy? Is he in touch with the Department of Energy about these matters?

Mr. Ross

The answer is "Yes".