HC Deb 08 December 1975 vol 902 c191
Mr. Nigel Spearing (Newham, South)

I beg to present a petition from Alan John Bale. As I propose to move a motion in respect of the petition, I ask for it to be read.

The Clerk of the House

read the petition, which was as follows:

To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.

The Humble Petition of Alan John Bale, a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature, of Lincoln House, 296–302 High Holborn, London W.C.1, on behalf of the Reverend Reginald Watkins Cleaves, John Bernard Wilcox, the Reverend Edward Stanley Guest and John Bernard Hale, who are First, Second, Third and Fourth Defendants respectively in proceedings pending in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division 1975 -;C-No. 2690 instituted by the Congregational Memorial Hall Trust Limited as Plaintiffs, and due to be heard in London shortly, Sheweth

That the Plaintiffs seek determination of legal issues affecting their Constitution and Denominational scope following the passage of the United Reformed Church Act 1972.

And that reference is desired to be made at the said proceedings to the Minutes of Evidence taken on the 23rd and 24th Days of May 1972 before the Committee to whom the United Reformed Church Bill was referred, and to the Official Report of the House for the 22nd day of June 1972 (H.C. Deb 839; Cols 629–672).

Wherefore your Petitioner prays that your Honourable House will be graciously pleased to give leave to the proper officers of the House to attend the hearing of the said proceedings and to produce the said Minutes and Reports and formally to prove the same before the Court according to their competence; and that leave be given for reference to be made to the said Minutes and Reports of Debates.

And your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc.

Alan John Bale

Lincoln House

296–302 High Holborn

London W.C.1.

27th November 1975.

Ordered, That leave be given to the proper Officers of this House to attend the trial of the said action and to produce the said Minutes of Evidence and Reports of Debates, and that leave be given for reference to be made to the said Minutes and Reports.—[Mr. Spearing.]

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