HC Deb 06 August 1975 vol 897 cc526-7

Motion made, and Question proposed,

That, at this day's Sitting, Mr. Speaker shall put any Question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the first Motion in the name of the Prime Minister for the Adjournment of the House not later than Seven o'clock.—[Mr. Thomas Cox.]

Mr. J. Enoch Powell (Down, South)

The precedents for this type of motion are becoming so numerous and varied that I think it is perhaps worth a minute of the time of the House to place on record that a motion of this type is neither necessary nor desirable. In doing so I wish to thank the Patronage Secretary for his courtesy, knowing my interest in this matter, in letting me know that the motion was to be tabled.

On the Adjournment the subject to be discussed is determined only by convention and general agreement. However, I am sure that if there were agreement, as I understand there is, that two subjects should be discussed on the Adjournment at this day's sitting and if a right hon. or hon. Gentleman from the Opposition Front Bench were to rise between six and seven o'clock he would catch your eye, Mr. Speaker, and would be followed by the Minister replying from the Government Front Bench. Following that, should there be a desire in any quarter of the House to challenge the matter by carrying the motion for the Adjournment, it might be assumed that, with your permission, that Question would be likely to be put to the House. The result would be that, supposing the motion for the Adjournment were not carried, the Government would propose the Adjournment again and the debate would continue on the subsequent topic.

For a long time past on matters of this kind and on days divided between two subjects, the House has been able, by its normal procedures, to discipline itself. I believe that it is still capable of doing so without motions of this character. Therefore, I trust that the assurances previously given by the Leader of the House that this matter will not be allowed to go very far without specific consideration by the Select Committee on Procedure will be regarded as urgent.

Question put and agreed to.