HC Deb 16 April 1975 vol 890 c623

Wednesday 16th April 1975

The Committee consisted of the following Members:
Mr. Victor Goodhew (in the Chair)
Bagier, Mr. Gordon A.T.(Sunderland. South) Hordern, Mr. Peter (Horsham and Crawley)
Bishop, Mr. E. S. (Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) Howell, Mr. David (Guildford)
Budgen, Mr. Nick(Wolverhampton, South-West) Hughes, Mr. Mark (Durham)
Luard, Mr. Evan (Oxford)
Maynard, Miss Joan (Sheffield, Brightside)
Cope, Mr. John (Gloucestershire, South) Pendry, Mr. Tom (Stalybridge and Hyde)
Evans, Mr. Ioan (Aberdare) Roper, Mr. John (Farnworth)
Gilbert, Dr. John (Financial Secretary to the Treasury) Stradling, Thomas, Mr. John (Monnzouth)
Gow, Mr. Ian (Eastbourne) Young, Sir George (Ealing, Acton)
Henderson, Mr. Douglas (Aberdeenshire East) Miss S. A. Coussins, Committee Clerk.