HC Deb 31 October 1974 vol 880 cc381-3
The Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr. George Thomas)

I beg to move, That

  1. (1) the Promoters of every Private Bill which originated in this House in the last Parliament and which is listed in Schedule A to this Order, or which originated in the House of Lords in the last Parliament and which is listed in Schedule B to this Order may, notwithstanding anything in the Standing Orders or practice of this House, proceed with the Bill in the present session and the Petition for the Bill shall be deemed to have been deposited and all Standing Orders applicable thereto shall be deemed to have been complied with;
  2. (2) every such Bill which originated in this House shall be presented to the House not later than the seventh day after this day;
  3. (3) there shall be deposited with every Bill so presented a declaration signed by the Agent for the Bill, stating that the Bill is the same, in every respect, as the Bill with the same title in the last Parliament as it stood when Parliament was dissolved;
  4. (4) every Bill so presented shall be laid by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office upon the Table of the House on the next meeting of the House after the day on which the Bill was presented;
  5. (5) every Bill so laid on the Table shall be deemed to have been read the first and second time and reported from Committee and ordered to lie upon the Table, unless the Bill was considered as amended in the last Parliament, in which case the Bill shall be ordered to be read the third time;
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  7. (6) when any Bill which was brought from the House of Lords in the last Parliament and to which this Order relates, is brought from the House of Lords in the present Session, the Agent for the Bill shall deposit in the Private Bill Office a declaration, signed by him, stating that the Bill is the same, in every respect, as the Bill which was brought from the House of Lords in the last Parliament, and, as soon as a certificate by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office that such a declaration has been so deposited has been laid upon the Table of the House the Bill shall be deemed to have been read the first and second time and committed;
  8. (7) only such Petitions as were presented against any Bill brought from the Lords in the last Parliament which stood referred to the Committee on the Bill and which have not been withdrawn shall stand referred to the Committee on the Bill with the same title in the present Session;
  9. (8) in relation to any Bill to which this Order applies Standing Order 127 relating to Private Business (Right of audience before Committees on opposed Bills) shall have effect as if the words "under Standing Order 126 (Reference to Committee of Petitions against Bill) were omitted;
  10. (9) in respect of any Bill originating in the House of Lords to which this Order relates and upon which the Examiners reported in the last Parliament that no Standing Order not previously inquired into was applicable thereto, the Examiner shall, if the Bill is brought from the Lords in the present Session, be deemed to have made the same report in the present Session;
  11. (10) in respect of any Bill to which this Order relates, no Fees shall be charged in respect of any proceedings thereon which, by the provisions of this Order, are deemed to have taken place in the present Session:

Schedule A

  1. 1. British Railways Bill.
  2. 2. Merseyside Metropolitan Railway Bill.

Schedule B

  1. 1. Crouch Harbour Bill [Lords].
  2. 2. Eastbourne Harbour Bill [Lords].
  3. 3. Port of Tyne (North Shields Fish Harbour) Bill [Lords].
  4. 4. River Wear Barrage Bill [Lords].
  5. 5. Torquay Market Bill [Lords].

The House will be familiar with the effect of the motion. All Private Bills pending before the election may be taken up again this Session as if the Dissolution had not occurred. The form of the motion is, however, unusual. Normally the House is asked to agree to carry Private Bills over from a Session just about to end to the next one. In July, however, no one could tell whether the Session begun in February would be brought to an end or not, so it was not possible then to make provision to carry over Private Bills in the event of a Dissolution.

This motion revives the Bills in a new Parliament rather than carrying them over to a new Session. The substance is familiar; only the form is altered.

Sir Bernard Braine (Essex, South-East)

Before the motion is put, may I seek clarification of the position in regard to one of the Bills concerned, the British Railways Bill? I am in the difficulty that I have no wish to object to any of the other Bills covered by the motion but my constituents recently reaffirmed the strong objections I had made to certain provisions of the British Railways Bill. It would be helpful, therefore, if the Chairman of Ways and Means could confirm that if the motion is passed today it will not debar me or other hon. Members from opposing the British Railways Bill at a later stage.

The Chairman of Ways and Means

Under paragraph (5) of the motion the Bill will be ordered to be read the Third time. At that stage the Bill can, of course, be debated, and the House can then have the privilege of hearing the hon. Member for Essex, South-East (Sir B. Braine) again.

Question put and agreed to.