HC Deb 06 November 1974 vol 880 cc1046-7
5. Mr. R. C. Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on relations between Great Britain and Rhodesia.

Mr. James Callaghan

I hope to do so on Friday next, when the House will have an opportunity to debate the continuation in force of Section 2 of the Southern Rhodesia Act 1965.

Mr. Mitchell

Will my right hon. Friend have talks with the new Frelimo Government of Mozambique to try to persuade them to obey the United Nations sanctions resolution?

Mr. Callaghan

Yes. Of course, the Portuguese are still the authority. We have had a number of discussions with the Portuguese Government and established contact with the new Frelimo Government. We shall certainly pursue that contact along the lines suggested by my hon. Friend. I recognise, as I always have, that some of these newly emerging countries have great difficulty with their economic life and relations with both Rhodesia and South Africa. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that the Frelimo Government will want to do all that they can.

Mr. Fell

May we have an absolute assurance from the Foreign Secretary that there was no special behind-the-scenes agreement to have the debate on Rhodesia on a Friday?

Mr. Callaghan

I have no idea.

Mr. Fell

Will he ask his right hon. Friend?

Mr. Callaghan

As far as I know, the sanctions have to be renewed by 12th November.

Mr. Fell

Why a Friday?

Mr. Callaghan

It is not for me to say why a Friday; it is for the Leader of the House. I hope that the hon. Gentleman will be in his place and will stay all day and take part in the debate if he is fortunate enough to catch Mr. Speaker's eye.

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