HC Deb 21 May 1974 vol 874 c160
1. Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what decision he has made about ordering the maritime version of the Hawker Harrier aircraft for the Royal Navy.

The Under-Secretary of State for Defence for the Royal Navy (Mr. Frank Judd):

We are determined that a decision should be taken as soon as possible within the context of the defence review. In the meantime, design work continues to be supported.

Mr. McNair-Wilson

In view of the complementary nature of this aircraft to the through-deck cruiser, does not the doubt hanging over the maritime Harrier also cast doubts on the future of the cruiser?

Mr. Judd

The plans for the cruiser are not dependent on the outcome of our V/STOL studies. The design of the ship incorporates the option of operating V/STOL aircraft, but her main capability will be the deployment of Sea King antisubmarine helicopters, together with the command and control of naval and maritime air forces and the contribution to area air defence provided by her Sea Dart system.

Rear-Admiral Morgan-Giles

Has the Minister had a chance to discuss this matter with his experts, and has it been made clear to him that without this aircraft the Royal Navy will be completely unable to fulfil its traditional function of protecting our trade routes? Will he try to do a better job on it than the previous Government did?

Mr. Judd

The hon. and gallant Gentleman will be pleased to know that we are determined to do a better job on this and all aspects of defence than did the previous Government.

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