HC Deb 28 March 1974 vol 871 c625
Q5. Mr. David Watkins

asked the Prime Minister whether he has any plans to meet the Prime Minister of Israel.

The Prime Minister

I have no plans to meet Mrs. Meir at present, Sir.

Mr. Watkins

Will my right hon. Friend nevertheless seek at the earliest possible opportunity to impress upon the Prime Minister of Israel that an essential concomitant of a permanent peace in the Middle East is what was described in last week's debate by the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary as a personality for the Palestinian people?

The Prime Minister

The House well knows the position that the Labour Opposition and I took on the Middle East. But in every speech I have made in this country and in Israel I have stressed the very great importance and urgency of the solution of the Palestinian problem.

Mr. Finsberg

When the Prime Minister sees Mrs. Meir, will he tell her how deeply a large number of people in this country, both Jewish and non-Jewish, resent his Government's decision to approve the appointment of the new Egyptian ambassador, in view of his known past Fascist connections?

The Prime Minister

I know the strong feeling in different parts of the House and the country. Agreement was given some time ago, before the present Government came to office. This is a matter that we have considered, but after the exchanges we have had, I believe that we cannot go back on the decision taken by the right hon. Gentleman.