HC Deb 27 March 1974 vol 871 cc448-50
38. Mr. Tebbit

asked the Minister of Overseas Development if it is the policy of Her Majesty's Government to discriminate in the grant of aid to developing countries according to the political alignment of their Governments.

Mrs. Hart

Political considerations can never be ignored in deciding on the allocation of aid resources; they have always been a factor and they will continue to be given due weight by Her Majesty's Government. But the major consideration is the developmental value of aid for the people of the country concerned.

Mr. Tebbit

Is the right hon. Lady aware that her fondness for supporting Communist causes has given grave concern to Governments and people of developing countries that have suffered internal or external Communistic aggression? Will she state more clearly that she will suppress her worst prejudices and consider the interests of the people concerned, and not the left wing of her party?

Mrs. Hart

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will write to me and explain what on earth he means.

Mr. Royle

Although I have some sympathy for the attitude of the right hon. Lady and her Government towards Greece, I think that there is considerable uncertainty among many business men about Her Majesty's Government's attitude to many countries overseas, ranging from Greece, Portugal and Spain to Chile. Will she therefore consider consulting her right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary with a view to setting up a boycott office in order that British business men may be aware to which countries they may arrange to export with the certain knowledge that they will not, after completing a contract, be undermined by Her Majesty's Government?

Mrs. Hart

The hon. Gentleman might do well to refresh his memory by reference to some of the courses which the Labour Party completely supported when his Government was taking action in relation to the suspension of aid to other countries. I assure him that I am in close consultation with my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary. I would also add that we have to consider whether the very limited development aid budget is being correctly used.

Mr. Boyle

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of that reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on Adjournment.