HC Deb 18 June 1974 vol 875 c225

A. A member of the Fund that subscribes to this Declaration represents thereby that, in addition to observing its obligations with respect to payments restrictions under the Articles of Agreement of the Fund, it will not on its own discretionary authority introduce or intensify trade or other current account measures for balance of payments purposes that are subject to the jurisdiction of the GATT, or recommend them to its legislature, without a prior finding by the Fund that there is balance of payments justification for trade or other current account measures.

B. A member that subscribes to this Declaration will notify the Fund as far in advance as possible of its intention to impose such measures. If circumstances preclude the Fund from making the finding referred to in A above promptly after such notification, the member may nevertheless impose such measures, but will withdraw the measures, within such a period as may be fixed by the Fund in consultation with the member concerned, if the Fund finds that there is no balance of payments justification for trade or other current account measures.

C. In arriving at the findings referred to above, the Executive Directors are requested to take into account the special circumstances of developing countries.

D. In connection with this Declaration arrangements will be made for continuing close co-ordination between the Fund and the GATT.

E. This Declaration shall become effective among subscribing members when members having 65 per cent. of the total voting power of members of the Fund have accepted it, and shall expire two years from the date on which it becomes effective unless it is renewed.

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