HC Deb 10 June 1974 vol 874 cc1217-8
17. Mr. Robin F. Cook

asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether he is satisfied that the navigation charts available to the Merchant Navy for territorial and international waters are adequate.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Yes, Sir, although all charts have their limitations, as is pointed out in "The Mariner's Handbook" issued by the Hydrographer of the Navy. My Department is continuing to keep in close touch with the Ministry of Defence and the Chamber of Shipping on the needs of merchant shipping in this respect.

Mr. Cook

While thanking my hon. Friend for that reply, may I ask him whether he recognises that this situation does not permit complacency? Is he aware that most navigation charts were drawn up at a time when no one could have envisaged the colossal draught of the modem super tanker? Does he not realise that there is a serious risk of a major collision incident as a result of a tanker colliding with an uncharted hazard? Does he not agree that if oil companies are to inflict super tankers on the world for reasons of economy they should be compelled to plough some of their obscene profits into the preparation of charts which would protect the world from these tankers?

Mr. Davis

I have said that the question of the preparation of these charts is a matter for the Hydrographer of the Navy. There is no doubt that he is fully aware of the factors to which my hon. Friend has alluded. This has been fully exemplified by the statement he has made.