HC Deb 26 July 1974 vol 877 cc2026-7

Question proposed, That the clause stand part of the Bill.

Mr. Fry

I do not want to allow this clause to pass without commenting on subsection (1)(b) because I have had a number of representations from constituents of mine who are concerned about this matter. They feel strongly that there is a danger that people with worsening eyesight and deteriorating health, because they do not have a constant reminder when they apply for licence renewals, perhaps will not perform their statutory duty to inform the authorities that they are not as fit as they once were.

I hope that the Minister will be able to advise the Committee of the steps which authorities will take to ensure that abuses of this kind do not occur.

Mr. Mulley

I know that there was concern when this clause appeared in the Bill introduced by the previous administration. Hon. Members who were here at the time had submissions from opticians and others about these difficulties.

Since I find it difficult, now that I am the Minister responsible, to change what I said in opposition, I concede that there are great difficulties in making sure that there are no abuses. At present, drivers sign the appropriate form every three years. I wonder how many people actually have their eyes tested before signing the licence renewal form.

Administratively, no one can guarantee that abuses of this kind will not occur. Successive Governments have tried to provide reasonable safeguards. When the scheme comes in, if there are found to be difficulties or abuses, it will have to be looked at again. But, against the general background of trying to reduce administrative costs and the cost to the individual motorist—because the cost of administration has to be reflected in the cost of the licence—I believe that it is right to proceed in this way. It will save a great deal of expenditure and a great deal of work on the part of the civil servants. It will enable us to give a driving licence up to the age of 70 at a reasonable fee.

Question put and agreed to.

Clause 13 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

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