HC Deb 22 July 1974 vol 877 c1253

Amendments made: No. 58A, in page 93, line 16, at end insert: 'In section 338(2), the word "registered" '.

No. 58B, in page 93, line 26, at end insert: 'section 123 '.—[Dr. Gilbert.]

Dr. Gilbert

I beg to move, That the Bill be re-committed to a Committee of the whole House in respect of the new Clause (Vehicle excise duty—disabled persons) standing on the Notice Paper in the names of Mr. Robert Carr, Mr. Terence L. Higgins and Mr. David Howell. As the House is aware, the Opposition moved a new clause on the first day of the Report stage intended to extend relief from vehicle excise duty to disabled passengers who might be able to travel in vehicles which have not been conspicuously and permanently adapted for the purpose. The Government were—and are—happy to accept the principle of the new clause, but suggested a rather shorter and perhaps more effective form of words. Since the rules of the House are such that it was too late to table a revised form of the new clause, the Opposition withdrew their clause on the understanding that the Bill would be recommitted at the end of the Report stage to enable a revised version to be considered in Committee.

Question put and agreed to.

Bill immediately considered in Committee.

[Mr. OSCAR MURTON in the Chair]

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