HC Deb 19 July 1974 vol 877 cc881-2
Mr. Alan Williams

I beg to move Amendment No. 83, in page 37, line 22, at end insert: '(aa) goods which by their nature are consumed by use and which, before the cancellation, were so consumed, or'.

Mr. Speaker

I understand that it will also be convenient to take Amendments Nos. 84 and 85.

Mr. Williams

These amendments are drafting matters to clarify what is meant in Clause 72(9)(c) by goods which "were consumed". The phrase is intended to cover not only goods that are eaten but goods consumed in other ways—such as petrol, which is consumed in cars, or paint, which is consumed by being daubed—at least in my household—rather than in any artistic way on walls or woodwork. Wallpaper comes within the provision. The amendments are intended to make it clear that such goods are covered by the phrase "consumed in use". Amendment No. 85 is consequential.

Amendment agreed to.

Further amendments made: No. 84, in page 37, line 24, leave out 'were consumed or'.

No. 85, in page 37, leave out lines 28 and 29.—[Mr. Alan Williams.]

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