HC Deb 16 July 1974 vol 877 cc228-9
8. Mr. Beith

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether she will make provision for the funds of community health councils to be allocated directly to them and not drawn from the allocations of regional health authorities.

Dr. Owen

No, Sir. The National Health Service (Community Health Councils) Regulations 1973 lay this responsibility, on the "establishing authority" which in England is the regional health authority. I will of course consider carefully the views of community health councils in the light of experience.

Mr. Beith

In doing so will the Minister recognise that the community health councils are about the only voice patients have in the bureaucratic system which was bequeathed to him—without our support—and that if they have to compete for their finances with the clinical requirements for which regional health authorities are trying to cater they will be in an even weaker position?

Dr. Owen

I agree with the hon. Member, and we share the belief that the community health councils play an important part in the health service. That is why we published proposals for consultation on democracy in the health service to strengthen these councils and why I shall be listening carefully to the views of the councils as they develop.